Wk 3 – With My Purpose Comes Opposition

Mar 12, 2023    Pastor Sharon Isaac

God is wanting to show that church the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about how we the church have been allowing the spirit of opposition deceive us and cause an uproar in the earth. For all who are willing to hear His word and act on it, you will experience the unleashing of His Spirit in the earth like never before. He is removing the scales from the church’s eyes and bringing forth revelations to help the church become more than conquers and live up to the purpose in which He called us!

Reference Scriptures: Acts 8:3, 9:3-5, 22, 23, 26, 29; 14:3 Philippians 3:5-6; Psalms 51:5; Joshua 24:15; Ruth1:15;

1 King 18:15; Luke 18:3-4