Wk 1 – “Have You Looked At Your Dirt Lately?”

Jul 16, 2023    Minister Shannon Frank

In this 2-part series we will talk about what it means to grow in the God’s way, and the growth we will talk about is not growing in numbers or even growing in wealth. Our focus will be growing in faith. You see, what attracts others to Christians is when we have a strong faith and are doing something with that faith. What people see us doing is going to have a significant impact for the Kingdom. The first step to this spiritual growth begins within us. In this series we will talk about being stretched so that we can grow and what it means to have faith in a Kingdom that has no end.

This week’s message begins with looking at our hearts and examining our lives to ensure it has the right type of conditions to allow the word of God to grow. One of the ways that Christ showed us how to do this was to give us stories in the form of parables with which we can identify. Jesus used many parables throughout his ministry. These parables were earthly stories with heavenly meanings. He taught his listeners valuable kingdom principles by using the familiar to explain the unfamiliar. So, follow us as we journey through key principles of the Bible on growing in the Kingdom of God.