Wk 2 — “The Power of Good Trouble, Pt.2”

Jun 4, 2023    Pastor Lonnie Isaac

Life doesn’t play fair. It throws everything it has our way and we’re left to figure out how to navigate our way through it. Despite the uncertainty, pain, and chaos that can accompany all of life’s troubles, we’re to consider it pure joy. Because we know that God will use everything we’ve experienced for His glory. The question becomes how do we navigate life. How do we live in the storms and navigate our way out in a godly manner?

How do we live out our faith in the face of the troubles of life? We ask God. I know it’s easy to say but it’s just that simple. We ask God for His wisdom. What happens from there is key to living out our faith. There is a such thing as good trouble, and it continues to produce good in our lives all for God’s glory and our benefit.